We have had oceans of help in setting up and running "Da Joint", and we have tried to include acknowledgements and contact details to make it easier for others.

The image above was found wandering the WWW, and we are unable to give credit for a stunning piece of photography, but we could not resist using it as a thankyou Christmas cards to our dozens of volunteers who staff Da Joint. The front of the card showed this picture, with the legend: It is easy to strike the first spark.... and continued with the message inside: It is much more difficult to keep a fire alight, without you volunteers the Joint could not open..... Thank you and Happy Christmas.
Mosaic Project was run for 5 days during Feb 2005 half-term, by Liz and Bill of Hands On Art, funded by the lottery, and promoted by Karena Morley of Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council
Useful Sites
KCCs department for youth provision, training and advice. Affiliation to KY&C will give access to minibus training, and then discount deals to hire minibuses from KCC. Very useful foundation youth course available at intervals, grab it if you can. KY&C field officer Barry Clout will gladly visit new clubs an has a wealth of useful information gained by years of experience in Youth Work. kcvys@hotmail.com
Voluntary organisation offering similar services to KY&C above, can supply CRB checks, Model constitutions, funding advice, and insurance deals. They also run a monthly mailout with a vast range of activity trips available. Councils
Borough Green Parish Council, Clerk : Hazel Damiral bgpc@lineone.net Borough Green Community Website www.boroughgreen.org (also links to Parish Council Website)
Wrotham Parish Council, Clerk: Lesley Cox wrothampc@btinternet.com
Platt Parish Council Clerk Jackie Davies clerk@plattpc.kentparishes.gov.uk
Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council.
Kent County Council Two Very interesting local sites
An amazing collection of historical photos of Borough Green, and a history of Borough Green, put together by the late Frank Bangay, and now maintained by his son. Ian.
Fascinating photo tour of Wrotham village. Last, but definitely not least! The very generous Gary Gabriel Associates, Structural Engineers www.ggauk.com Henry Cooch & Son Ltd Platt Industrial Estate http://home.btconnect.com/henrycooch email : henrycooch@btconnect.com Kentinental Engineering Ltd, Platt Industrial Estate. Cast Trading Ltd, Borough Green mike.cast@virgin.net